Bitwise BTC/ETH Equal Weight Strategy
The Bitwise BTC/ETH Equal Weight Strategy provides equal-weighted exposure to Bitcoin and Ethereum, rebalanced quarterly. With separately managed accounts an investor directly owns all of the crypto assets in the account (unlike with a fund or other pooled investment vehicle). The crypto assets are held by Gemini, a fiduciary and qualified custodian, and can be easily monitored and managed by advisors. Available to investors on the Eaglebrook platform.
Please see additional product-specific disclosures in the Fact Sheet.
Benchmark Performance
As of: January 21, 2025 9:00 PM UTC
Inception â€
* Performance of an index is not illustrative of any particular investment. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index performance does not include the fees and expenses that are charged by the Manager, Platform, or Financial Advisor. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Please refer to additional important disclosures here.
** The returns of Bitcoin (BTC) are historical and unaudited and do not represent the returns of any particular investment. The historical returns of BTC do not include the fees and expenses that are charged by any Fund or Account. Actual returns may differ materially from the historical returns of BTC. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Please refer to additional important disclosures here.
† Bitwise BTC/ETH Equal Weight Crypto Index inception date: April 18, 2022.